Organization and Productivity
This week we’re talking about staying productive and organized. Now let’s be 100% honest there are thousands of ways to do this, and what works for me may not be what works for everyone. The important thing is to try different things and figure out what’s going to work for you. Keep that in mind as we go over 5 ways to stay productive and organized.
Simplifying Your Wardrobe
Hello Queens! One way to boost confidence is to be confident in our style choices. The easiest way to do this is to focus on the K.I.S.S (keep it simple silly) method. Today we want to focus our energy on simplifying your wardrobe to take it from trendy to stylish.
Weekly Motivate and Motivate 7/12
We took a short break last week to refocus, but we’re back with our weekly motivation and meditation tips for our beautiful queens.
Weekly Motivate and Meditate 3
Good Evening Queens! Ok, is it just me, or does it seem like every weekend in June has been busy, busy? Either way, we are ready for our five self-care tips of the week.
Weekly Motivation and Meditation
As women self-care is so important to our mental health. With all the stress that comes with Monday, we want to help our queens set their weeks up for success, so tune in every Monday for our weekly top 5 self-care tips.